How to do we develop ourselves to become strong?

We often trap our self-worth in a box and let our emotions run through our hearts and mind; it sometimes makes us think we’re weak by being emotional but its good to cry once in awhile during bad times because it makes us learn a lesson and develop our true-worth.

Our parents and friends are the ones who provided us with the necessities in order to progress with our lives. For example, our parents may have nagged a lot throughout our lifetimes but they are always right because they are only trying to help you find your lost abilities only with good intention. Our friends will come and go but the important ones will often stay in your life.

I am going to end this post with a thought.

“Don’t catch them, let them fall and see who will climb to your heart”. By Ani

First blog post!

Hello, please to see you here!

This is my first blog writing, so please don’t mind my poorly bad writing!

My name is Ani, I am please to start this post by giving you a energetic welcome. I wanted to start off this blog, so I can share my personal experience and advice on how to make most of your life with a positive start and ending. I will be posting every Thursday.
